Ann Boyer, Treasurer

Originally from North Carolina, Ms. Boyer has lived in Newport several times as she followed her Navy husband to duty stations domestically and abroad, finally settling locally.  She then worked as a Navy system and software safety analyst for twenty years before semi-retiring into real estate office administration.  She is a member of Boyer Partners, which supports book publishers with copyediting services.  She holds a BS in Biology and an MS in Information Systems Science. 

Currently the Vestry Clerk of the Church of St. John the Evangelist in Newport, she has also served on the boards of local non-profits, such as the Newport Children’s Theatre, Girl Scouts of Southeastern New England, and Swanhurst Chorus, and as Treasurer and President of the Northeast Chapter of the International System Safety Society. She is Treasurer of the Choir School.

Ms. Boyer has been a member of choirs and choruses since the age of five and has been with CSNC as an adult singer since soon after its inception.  She and her husband live in Portsmouth.  They are the parents of two adult children with four granddaughters.



Jay Johnson, Vice Chair


Meredith Rugg, Secretary